Friday, November 22, 2013

Strong is the new skinny

Urban Outfitters designed a t-shirt that says "Eat Less" on the front. 

Where do I begin? I suppose I'll start by not throwing my computer across the room out of frustration.

Contrary to popular belief, the word "less" does not actually mean "better." I know what you're thinking, I also thought  "hmmmm, maybe Urban Outfitters confused the two when they designed this abomination of a t-shirt? Maybe they meant to say 'Eat Better.'" No my friends, they knew exactly what they were doing.

Our world is obsessed with looking good in every sense of the word. Hair, makeup, clothes, shoes, butt, skin, jewelry, nails, toenails, eyebrows, upper lip, calves, abs, biceps, chest...shall I keep going? OBSESSED. But why? Because we are constantly trying to live up to the ridiculous expectations that we have created for ourselves as consumers. This post could go on for ages, but I'm primarily focusing on the issue of body image.

Why does Urban Outfitters want to encourage us eat less? Because skinny looks better in clothes. Right? While there is an ounce of truth to that, there is also a big fat lie underneath it. The lie is that eating less is the solution. The solution is eating BETTER and taking care of our bodies. This doesn't just happen by changing how we eat. It's a fantastic start though. Statistics show that 90-95% of people who go on a diet eventually gain that weight back or more. It's because diets don't work. Living an active lifestyle, eating well, and going outside and getting fresh air is what works. Once we channel the mentality of "I work out to look good" to "I work out to take care of my body," we will feel better as a whole and in exchange, see physical improvements. But until we think of being healthy as taking care of our bodies instead of looking good, we will NEVER be content with our appearance. There will always be someone skinnier, stronger, prettier, and have better abs than you. Enjoy your unique body shape that God has so graciously given you, and treat it like the temple it is.

Strong is the new skinny! Get outside and run, take a hot yoga class, sign up for Crossfit, do Pilates with a friend, take a hike, do 20 jumping jacks, the options are literally endless. If you don't take care of yourself today, what makes you think you'll do it tomorrow, a year from now, or even better, when you're old? God gave us one body and we neglect it. Neglecting our bodies comes in many forms: not allowing your body to rest, starving yourself, overindulging yourself, sitting inside all day, etc. Don't turn your back on your body. That's just plain mean.

My mindset used to be focused on working out to look better. I am so blessed to say that that gross mindset is long gone. I run to be faster, I lift to be stronger, I sweat to feel powerful. When I go into a hard workout, I think "I can't wait to be stronger from this," not "my thighs better not touch after this..." GET THAT OUT OF HERE. Yeah, I've got thighs that touch. They're super strong. Yeah, I've got guns that could potentially be mistaken for a set of men's arms. I love having a set of guns that I'm proud of.

Whatever kind of body God gave you, take care of it, treasure it, lift heavy stuff with it, stretch it, and OWN it. Everyone was born with bones. Not everyone was born with muscles that can do crazy cool things.

I used to love Urban Outfitters and dream of having a job at their corporate office. But I'm joining Sophia Bush in boycotting 'em. I just can't get behind a company that encourages eating disorders. 

Muscles > bones

Stay healthy, my friends.